Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Home Remedies for Hair Split Ends

While every woman desires to have long and beautiful shiny tresses, split ends become a very common hair problem for many women. Split ends can take away the beauty of your whole long hair and at times, it becomes so frustrating that you feel like cutting your hair short. Some of the main causes leading to hair split ends are lack of minerals and vitamin E, including pollution, use of chemical and styling products in hair, and loss of natural humidity or moisture.
There are some easy- to- make or easy-to-do homemade remedies which can cure the problem of split ends. Home remedies might take time to show the effective results but they are worth trying, plus they are without any side effects and of course, they do not cost you anything. Make use of some easily available products in your kitchen. Also remember, while opting for home made remedies to get rid of hair split ends, you should also take care of your diet and health.

Home Remedies for Hair Split Ends

Remedy 1 : Banana Pack

•    Ingredients: A ripe banana, two tablespoons of curd, rosewater and lemon juice
•    Method: Mash a ripe banana. Add tablespoons of curd, rosewater and lemon juice in it. Make a smooth paste and apply this paste on your hair for 60 minutes.

Remedy 2: Honey and Egg Hair Pack

•    Ingredients: 1 egg, 1 Tbsp honey, ½ cup milk
•    Method: Take an egg and beat it. Add honey and milk into it. Apply the honey and egg hair pack on your hair and leave it for few minutes. This hair pack cures your split ends. It also makes your hair shiny and smooth.

Remedy 3: Papaya Hair Pack

•    Ingredients : ½ Papaya, ½ Cup Plain Yogurt
•    Method: This has been a very effective home remedy for split ends. Papaya pack can really bring live to your hair. Take out the seeds and skin of a ripe papaya. Blend it with yogurt to make a smooth pulpy pack. Apply this on your hair to make your hair smooth and strong. Keep this pack for 45 minutes and then take a normal wash.

Remedy 4: Beer Hair Treatment

Well, don’t let your husband or partner consume the entire bottle of beer. Take some beer and rub it into your hair. See that your hair is soaked completely with beer. Massage your hair with beer for 2-3 minutes and then wash it away.

Remedy 5 : Hot Oil Treatment

•    Ingredients : Olive oil, castor oil, almond oil, coconut oil
•    Method: This is a very popular treatment not only for hair splits but also to moisturize your hair. Take warm oil and massage your hair with it, from head to the ends. You can use any one oil or all together in equal amounts. After heating the oil, let it cool down and apply the warm oil. Massage and then cover your hair with a shower cap for 30-40 minutes. This absorbs the nutrients, gives a smooth look to your hair and also removes spilt ends. Wash your hair properly with shampoo. Oil treatment moisturizes your dry, damaged hair.

Remedy 6: Avocado and Olive oil pack

•    Ingredients : 1 avocado, 3 tablespoon of olive oil, 2 tablespoons egg white
•    Method: Mix egg white, olive oil and avocado and make a creamy paste. Leave it on your hair for 40 minutes. Rinse with cold water. You can apply mild shampoo and wash off.

Remedy 7: Honey & Olive oil Pack

•    Ingredients:  Honey, Olive Oil
•    Method: Take 3 tablespoon of honey and 3 tablespoon of olive oil. Mix it properly. Apply it only on the split ends. Leave it for few minutes and then rinse off your hair.

Remedy 8 : Egg, Olive & Honey mask

•    Ingredients : Egg, olive oil, honey
•    Method: Mix 1 egg yolk, 3 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply this mask on your hair for about 20-30 minutes. Then wash off with mild shampoo

Remedy 9 : Fenugreek Seeds Powder Pack

•    Ingredients : Fenugreek powder, curd
•    Method: This is an age-old grandma’s remedy. It not only cures split ends but also make your hair grow. Take 2 Teaspoons of fenugreek seeds powder and mix it with 2 tablespoon of curd. Make a paste and apply it on your hair. Leave it for 20-30 minutes and then rinse off with cold water.
So try these home remedies at home to solve your split ends problems. I am sure the regular application of these remedies will surely help you to get the long shiny hair without splits that you have always desired.

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